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Become imitators of God, therefore, like beloved children, and walk in love as Christ loved us… – Ephesians 5:1

“Inreach” is the way in which our interior lives are reshaped by God and our cooperative work with the Holy Spirit. This work is also known as spiritual formation or sanctification and it is, in many ways, the most important work of all. It is also, not surprisingly, the most difficult. A Jesus-follower believes that the Holy Spirit is active in the world right now, reshaping His people to look and to live as Jesus lived; that is, as the human reflection of God’s love and glory into a fallen and broken world. Though we have certainly been saved, forgiven, and redeemed by the blood of Christ on the cross, God is not finished with us yet. The Holy Spirit is wonderfully and even frighteningly at work, deepening our faith, purifying us from our egoic selves, healing us from self-righteousness and tribalism, rescuing us from the lies and deceptions of the enemy, and leading us to the end of ourselves and into complete dependency upon God and His grace.

We would love for you to journey with us!